Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reflections from England: June 17-30, 2009

There is always more work to be done.

This is a conviction under which I constantly labor in ministry. The balance is knowing when to take a God-directed Sabbath to reflect, recharge, and recognize all the ways the Lord has worked in recent days. And then get ready to go full tilt all over again.

Never have these statements been more true to me than over the past two weeks of mission work in England and the past two days that I have been home. A large part of me feels it is torn between two countries as I fell in love with the people of England; the believers we were privileged to meet and minister alongside became fast friends and partners for Kingdom work. And that is a testament to the spirit of unity that can only exist among fellow believers in Christ Jesus. We came together for the gospel and what follows here are my own personal reflections on two weeks that will forever have an effect on my life and ministry.

"This is a country that has pretty thoroughly rejected the Gospel..."
These are the words of an English pastor friend when explaining to our team the spiritual state of England and the magnitude of the work that is to be done there. This is a great tragedy, as England was once one of the major forces for the work of the gospel in the entire world. It was scarcely 100 years prior to now that the preaching of Charles Spurgeon helped reignite a passion for winning souls to Christ in the country. But modernism/postmodernism come at a great spiritual cost, one that England has paid dearly.

The hope I have, however, is twofold: Firstly, it was proven to me that there is a strong remnant of faithful believers in Great Britain. The Lord is not finished with this country as He has left many strong workers to contend for the gospel. It was my privilege to meet many of them: Pastor Paul Newman of Whitley Bay Baptist Church, Helle Sewell, David and Miriam Lennox, and many others in the Tynemouth area. Seeing their hearts for God and for the English people testifies to me that we cannot give up on England because our great God has not.

Secondly, this "loss" of the gospel may indeed have run its course. After spending a week in the schools of the Tynemouth area speaking to Religious Education classes about the truth of biblical Christianity, I walked away burdened by the darkness the enemy has cast over the hearts of young people in England. But I also have hope because seeds of the gospel were planted and the Word of God never returns empty! I saw many faces light up as we unabashedly shared Christ in the classrooms. Many sessions began with "gotcha" questions but would mostly transform into very personal requests for Christian truth and worldview to be explained. At the center of it all was the gospel. It was an incredible opportunity the Lord opened for us. We pray these doors into the schools of England continue. What I have seen in the schools is that the young people are nearly ignorant on the story of Christ so when told with prayer and power it is moving to them. It may well be England rejected the gospel, but it may also be that a resurgence in the hearts is around a hard-fought corner. Time will tell as we continue our work.

One young man, 12 years old, particularly touched my heart as he stayed after our first class to ask us how he could become a Christian. He said, "I want to move to America so I can become a Christian." It broke my heart to hear that his parents had no place for religion in their home and that this boy felt he had to leave his country in order to follow God. We had many lunches and talks with him about his life and about the hope of Jesus Christ. It is my conviction that the Holy Spirit is at work in his life and he will come to Christ very soon if he has not already since we left. It was a sad parting our last day in the schools. There were shared tears with this boy and promises to write which I very much intend to keep. There is opportunity now for further explanation of truth and possible discipleship through letter-writing.

And there is indeed hope for England, for the brief reasons I have lifted above and many more that our great God is working to ensure. This will be a subject of great prayer and reflection for me in the coming weeks and months. Because with the gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ, there is always more joyful work to be done.

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