The Blue Lantern Corps was introduced a few months ago in the pages of Green Lantern, but
this past week we got a real fleshing out of these guys and their purpose in GL # 36.
The Blue Lanterns differ from the other Lantern corps in many ways. Whereas Green Lanterns draw from their willpower, Red Lanterns from their rage, Sinestro Corps (Yellow) from fear, and several others that operate along the same lines (Orange - avarice, Indigo - compassion, Sapphire - love, and the coming dreaded Black Lanterns -death); Blue Lanterns draw their power from that which is considered most powerful: hope. And the ongoing saga of the Lantern Corps forshadows the Blue Lanterns will play an integral role in the approaching War of Light.
The other corps recruit their members by arbitrarily allowing the rings to seek out individuals that have the right stuff for each corps. The Blue Lanterns (like all great melancholys) take the personal approach and recruit one-by-one. These aliens from all different space sectors undergo three days of training and are then offered membership as a Blue Lantern if they so decide.

Geoff Johns again displays his remarkable insight into myriad aspects of the human condition by focusing on the development of the Blue Lanterns as the INFJs of the universe. He gathers, slowly but surely, a group of individuals whose hope is great and who have the ability to channel that hope and use it to inspire others.
The Blue Lanterns aren't the flashiest corps, and much in part to the absence of true understanding and grasp of hope in the universe, their numbers are small. But they serve an important function as their rings can heal wounds, neutralize the corruptive effects of the Red Lantern rings, and recharge a green power ring to twice its maximum power level. The blue rings are quite unique because, unlike the other power rings that draw from the willpower aspects of the wearer, they act on the psychosis of the individual targeted by the Blue Lantern.
So thank you Geoff for creating a corps to which we melancholys can really relate!
(end of geek-out post)
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