Monday, June 23, 2008
Don't Run Red Lights Because You're Afraid of Facing Yourself for a Minute
--D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, 'Spiritual Depression' p. 12
Monday, June 2, 2008
Jared's JLA
From Jared and Jenny's wedding program comes these scribblings about the men in our wedding whom God has used to make me into who I am today.

Greg McElroy
Pastor, Mentor and life-long friend
If ever I (Jared) had an older brother in this life it is Greg McElroy. He has been a part of some biggest days in my life. Greg was there to walk with me when I first wrestled with God’s call to ministry. A few years later we were licensed to the ministry together. He was with me to buy Jenny’s engagement ring, and consequently I got to be with him that same day when Kelli called to tell him they were expecting Elijah. God even used him to point me toward Normandale Baptist Church, where Jenny and I have found a church home and place of ministry.
This man has discipled me in a most profound way. He has been my voice of reason, my guide, and my best friend. Greg invited me into his world and showed me how to invite others into mine. Because of him I am a better disciple of Christ. I will be a better husband, father, and minister because Greg McElroy loved me and invested in me. I love this man deeply. I am incredibly proud to have him here today, the biggest day of my life yet.
Tyler Wilson
Best Man - BYX Little Bro
Tyler is the first man with whom I had the privilege of doing one-on-one discipleship. I saw so much of my own heart in him that I felt compelled to make a difference in his life. What I didn’t expect was how great a difference he would make in mine. Much in part because of how God moved in our time together do I now find myself a pastor of discipleship. God used the two of us, through times of laughing, crying, talking, praying and serving together, to reveal to us both the directions and purposes of our ministries. I wouldn’t be where I am if not for Tyler Wilson.
It has been a great privilege to grow with him in BYX and now see my little bro maturing into his own man and minister. It is with great love, humility, and joy that I have him stand by my side today as best man.
Steven Hardebeck
Groomsman - BYX Brother, College Roommate
Steven is a fighter whose indomitable spirit inspires the men around him to stand firm. He’s the man in my life who has stood by me in some of my finest moments and those where I felt most defeated. We have both been through very joyful and low times together in our spiritual walks and friendship. But through it all God has moved our hearts to continue the fight for each other.
Steven just doesn’t give up. He is my model for standing in the gap for a brother…the embodiment of a friend loving at all times and a brother born for adversity (Proverbs 18:17). It is one of the great joys of my adult life that our sincere friendship and love for one another as brothers is continually grown and strengthened by God.
Steven also stands with me today representing the fine gentlemen of 725 Schulze: Tom Crawford, Matt Courtney, and Blake Isernhagen. I had a most incredible house of men with whom to live and share my college life.
Joe Thomas
Groomsman - BYX Brother, Creative Consultant
There are those blessed few friends whose presence in your life has all the impact of a comet pulled from orbit. Upon meeting Joe Thomas I knew I was in for a friendship unlike any other. Always up for any adventure, he reminds me to laugh well and often; usually just as much at myself as at the inconsistencies and strange truths of life. He knows me well enough to call me out when I’m being less than the Jared he knows. A constant creative force and perceptive as anyone I’ve ever met, he’s the first person across whose desk I pass any creative ideas or writing because I know his input will help it defy some gravity.
But just as important as all that is Joe’s unfaltering loyalty to his friends. The champion of celebrations, seizing the moment, and his friends’ well being, he can be depended upon to be there for you and be all for you. I love this man for his warmth, versatility, and devotion to God and Spirit-led relationships. Joe’s bright friendship has changed me for better and for good.
Chris Lorenz
Groomsman - BYX Grand-Little Bro, Cell Group Member
One of the finest men I know, Chris’ character speaks volumes. He will sit and listen with earnest heart while you spill your guts. He’ll then encourage you with truth and a much-needed hand on your shoulder.
Chris has grown so much in the time I’ve known him. From a boy with lots of questions to a steady 1 Peter 3:15 man “prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in” him, he always responds with his characteristic gentleness and respect. He is able to do so because of his persistent chasing after God and his unabashed application of truth to life’s situations. His honesty, truthfulness, and genuine love of his brothers in Christ are second to none and a great influence.
Austin McKnight
Usher - Brother In Christ
Austin is one of the bravest, most insightful young men I know. In the time he and I have been meeting for discipleship he has become a close friend and treasured younger brother. In him I have a kindred spirit with whom I share many interests, points of view, and a passion for the Gospel in engaging culture as an intelligent Christian.
His pure heart, discerning empathy and great potential are continual encouragements to me in ministry and my relationship with Christ. I see in him the character of Proverbs 20:5. It is a privilege to be a part of his journey as he grows into a guardian, teacher, and sage drawing out purpose from the deep wells of the human heart.
Austin desires to be a force for Christ in the academic arena. And from what I’ve seen so far, he will be some day.
Derek Ensminger
Usher - BYX Cell Group Member, fellow OU Tour Guide
Derek became a great friend to me through BYX and our working together long, sweltering summers at OU Recruitment. I knew when the opportunity presented itself that I had to have him in my cell group. The year and half we spent together with Kevin and Chris was one of the best experiences I carried from college, and the Lord used that time to fortify my friendship with him.
Derek is a man whose heart beats for the lost to come to know Christ. He goes after those in darkness, serving as a son of light (John 12:36) in meeting them where they are and representing Christ. I see his compassion and boldness and am led pray those attributes increase in me. I look up to him a great deal.
Kevin Gaddis
Usher - BYX Cell Group Member
One of my favorite guys to ever pledge BYX. I loved having him in cell group because his passion for seeing someone come to Christ profoundly impacted our group and fraternity.
Everyone knows Gaddis is a genius. But what truly sets him apart and makes him special is how his godly heart guides his intellect. Kevin truly loves the Lord and people with an honesty that motivates those around him to do the same. This was certainly how he inspired me in our time together as a cell group. Much like our NBC mission statement, Kevin lives to know Christ and make him known.